We are Fluid Power Professionals. That means we are professionals at transferring energy. We need to think of ourselves as Energy Professionals specializing in Fluid Power… We need to begin thinking about the entire energy transfer system; from the combustion engine or electric motor to the work being performed. We need to view every kW wasted, every scfm tossed away, and every Btu removed as an opportunity for improvement. To do less would be a disservice to our profession and to those who depend on our expertise.
With competitive means of transferring energy nipping at our heels, environmental concerns weighing heavily on the minds of everyone and huge economic issues at stake, we cannot afford to remain idle or complacent. Fluid Power can and must continue to be a major player in the transfer of energy that is so necessary for our economic health. We can continually improve our efficiency, sometimes by doing what we already know how to do, and sometimes by creating new products and new approaches to energy transfer.